Developer workflow with local tests using Docker Compose

Recently, I did a presentation about my development workflow for back-end applications.

English version of the video:

YouTube link.

Polish version of the video:

YouTube link.

Slides are here. The sample code is here.

Contents summary

  • Docker Compose setup with the sample HTTP/REST app (written in Python) and a SQL database

  • High-level tests using containers.

  • Reloading the app container on code file changes.

  • Running tests on code file changes.

  • Makefiles to describe common development tasks.

  • CI setup based on local tests.


Containers have revolutionized many aspects of software development. In particular - testing.

Testing applications with the same data bases (e.g. Postgres, Redis), queues (e.g. Kafka), etc. that they’ll rely on in production grants a substantially higher degree of confidence in the software, than tests with mocks or in-memory fakes of real connectors.

In this presentation I’ll show how I use docker-compose for local running and testing of the app being developed. How to adjust the code and set the configuration to make your work faster, ease on-boarding of new team members, and, above all, to increase the quality. The presented techniques emerged from working on a couple projects across the last 5 years.

The example code will be a Python back-end app, but the techniques will apply in other programming languages, and not only for back-end applications.

The presentation assumes at least a passing familiarity with Docker and docker-compose.

The subjects covered will include:

  • separation of unit, integrated, and functional tests

  • organizing the project so that a local instance of the app can be run with two commands: git clone && make run

  • not resetting the test environment between tests

  • local and CI test parity

  • debugging code running in containers

  • using “Docker mounts” to enable fast application reloading while editing code

  • changes to the production code that make testing easier


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