Posts tagged quality_assurance
Developer workflow with local tests using Docker Compose
- 2023-04-08
- English
Recently, I did a presentation about my development workflow for back-end applications.
Separating different kinds of tests
- 2023-03-27
- English
When I work on a project I differentiate three kinds of tests: unit, integrated, and external. In this post I’ll explain how I think about them.
Make and entr for code validation during editing
- 2021-12-30
For a while now, I’ve been wondering how to combine entr
(which automatically runs commands on file changes)
with the way I setup project validation (both for CI/CD and for local developer usage) with Makefiles.
The best thing I got so far is the validate_continously
target in
my Makefile.
My talk about TDD of microservices
- 2016-12-10
This year at EuroPython (and not only there), I gave a talk about Test Driven Development of Python microservices. I guess you can check it out, if you’re into that kind of stuff. It’s also available in Polish.